Design by Riz. © May 2005


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Location: 8th lilypad, faerie lake, enchanted forest, Philippines

like to sing (in the car, the loo, anywhere!), dance (more like traipse around), laugh uproariously, read voraciously, watch movies, enjoy the company of friends; eternally wishing it were christmas all year round, amusement park junkie (the higher the ride, the better!), unabashed cryer in cinemas (potential seatmates, beware!), devout carnivore (you can count the veggies i do eat in one hand)...also have a bordering-on-the-absurd collection of all things froggy given by friends and next of kin. maybe one day, one of them'll turn out to be my prince - harharhar!!!

My Library Thing

Hoppy Friends

Amphibian Archives

Uber-Cool Lilypads

Croak-able Buttons!
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