I sooo want to watch the Cranberries concert on April 10th! Dang if it isn't a Tuesday and the first day back at work after the Lenten holidays...Am pretty sure we'll be catching up with so much work it would be virtually impossbile to make it all the way to Araneta to watch them.
This Irish alternative rock band is one of my all-time faves. I will be missing out on hearing Dolores O'Riordan and her gang perform "Dreams", "Linger", "Ode To Me Family" and Zombie" live. Sob, sob, sob...
So Manila, do give her and her band a taste of our world-reknowned hospitality so that she feels right at home and sets a return trip soon!
Nope, it's not the song by Demi Lovato. This is Ok Go's new video. I love how the couple dances through a myriad of colors. It must've been such a pain looking for men's clothes in these different hues...
I think this is by far the funniest prank I've ever seen on YouTube. The funny bits never get old. I really, really, really hope they show Scare Tactics here soon! I only wish I had the gumption to pull this off one of my friends...=)
Fuerza Bruta, as the name connotes, is literally "Brute Force". Highly interactive and ultra- avante garde performance art which doesn't get to our shores very often and when it does, hits you like punch in the gut. The experience makes you feel like you are in some surreal dream where everything is highlighted in a bright spectrum of neon colors and ends in bizarre rave club-like revelry.
A veritable sensory feast where you see, hear, feel, and yes, smell, everything. The captive audience was gasping, clapping and even dancing as we moved from one end of the room to another, turning our heads right and left then looking up and down. In Tina's words, "amazing, incredible, fantastic!." Oh, and add, thought-provoking to the mix. We were still talking about it all throughout dinner and overheard a couple of other tables doing the same. We couldn't agree on how each part connected to the other, much more what the entire production meant. But, we did agree that it was most definitely unique! =)
Just a little anecdote: Tina and I would've loved to participate in the "pillow fight" and "board smash" sequences of the show but the performers always chose foreigners when they needed volunteers. Guess they thought that us "conservative" Asians wouldn't be spontaneous and up to making a "spectacle" of ourselves...=D
Location: 8th lilypad, faerie lake, enchanted forest, Philippines
like to sing (in the car, the loo, anywhere!), dance (more like traipse around), laugh uproariously, read voraciously, watch movies, enjoy the company of friends; eternally wishing it were christmas all year round, amusement park junkie (the higher the ride, the better!), unabashed cryer in cinemas (potential seatmates, beware!), devout carnivore (you can count the veggies i do eat in one hand)...also have a bordering-on-the-absurd collection of all things froggy given by friends and next of kin. maybe one day, one of them'll turn out to be my prince - harharhar!!!